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*Revised March 7, 2022

Effective Monday, March 7th, masks will be optional at the discretion of parents for all students, regardless of vaccination status. This will apply to all classrooms and common areas.


We urge parents to continue to follow Covid-19 protocols regarding exposure as outlined below.

Covid-19 Cheat Sheet - What to do​


Your child has been in close contact to someone who tested positive for Covid-19


If your child is fully vaccinated/has had Covid-19 in the last 90 days:

  • your child may come to class, wearing a mask per our policy


If your child is not vaccinated:

  • your child should not come to class. Monitor your child for symptoms and follow the CDC guidelines for testing


Your child is showing symptoms of Covid-19

  • your child should NOT come to the studio until they receive a negative test.


Your child has tested positive for Covid-19

  • If fully vaccinated, quarantine for 5 days from positive test. They can return to studio in mask

  • If not vaccinated, quarantine for 14 days and may return to class after symptom/fever free for 24 hrs


General Policy

  • No one who feels sick, has a fever or lives with a person who is sick, should attend in-studio dance classes.

  • Those who believe they have been exposed to Covid-19 should seek testing and follow CDC guidelines for isolation.

  • Students who are exposed to Covid-19 should not come to class until they receive a negative test.

  • Dancers with any medical conditions that might make them particularly at risk if infected with Covid-19 should be asked to provide the studio with written approval from a physician.





Student Drop Off

  • Waiting rooms are CLOSED to all non-dance participants, however as needed, parents of Tiny Tots may stay at the discretion of the teacher. 

  • Dancers ages 6 and under will be allowed ONE parent or guardian to bring them into the studio, then leave once class has started. 

  • Dancers ages 7+ must be dropped off at the front door of our studios.

  • Dancers should arrive and enter the building just before their class and leave immediately following class so as not to congregate.


Student Pick Up

  • Parents may come into the lobbies of our studios for pick up ONLY. 

  • There will be NO pick up or drop off allowed using the back alleyway this year. The agreement we had arranged with our landlord no longer applies. 

  • BSD ANNEX - there is NO lobby space in the Annex so parents are not allowed to stay or come into the space earlier than pick up time. The storefront windows will allow you to observe if you choose to watch/when you arrive for pick up.







  • We will continue to disinfect the floors and barres in each studio between every class.

  • Bathrooms will be regularly disinfected throughout the day in addition to normal cleaning.

  • Hand sanitizer stations remains available throughout the studios and use is encouraged.

  • Windows will be open during classes to increase air flow.

  • HVAC systems in all studios have undergone their bi-annual filter change and cleaning to ensure proper air flow.




Please Note: BSD is a privately owned business, therefore we are not mandated by the Massachusetts DESE regarding mask requirements. However, we are following recommendations by the CDC and MDPH (Massachusetts Department of Public Health).



Please check back regularly for updates.



BoSoma School of Dance - Locations and Hours

Hamilton Location

15 Walnut Road

Hamilton, MA 01982

(978) 977-3262

General Info

Irish Step Info ​


Hamilton Office Hours: 
Mondays 9:30am-6:00pm
Tuesdays 9:30am-6:30pm
Wednesdays 9:30am-6:30pm
Thursdays 9:30am-6:30pm
Fridays 9:30am-6:00pm
Saturdays  9:30am-12:30pm
Sundays Closed


Georgetown Location

52 Central Street

Georgetown, MA 01833

(978) 352-2713



Please call the Hamilton location with urgent questions regarding BSD programs.



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